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How To Get Over Your Celebrity Crush OBSESSION

Is there a celebrity that you are obsessed with? Every single day you’re constantly thinking about them and refreshing your social media feed wondering maybe one day I’ll meet them and we’ll be together?
Well, it’s not gonna happen.
Here’s how to get over your celebrity crush in the most normal way possible.
First off, I’m using the word normal here because it’s totally normal to have a celebrity crush. Think about it. You see this person all the time online. You’re watching YouTube videos, you see their Instagram post, you hear about them in the news. They are a celebrity for a reason: people want to know about their lives.
So, when you hear about someone over and over, you’re probably going to take an interest in them. And maybe the reason why you’re just a little bit obsessed with them is that you think they’re super talented, or they’re super awesome and funny, or let’s be realistic, you just think they’re super hot.
Step #1: Stop simping for that celebrity
If you find yourself in the constant rat race of liking and commenting on all their pictures just to get a response from them or joining their live streams and spam commenting in there just so they can acknowledge you or even just paying for their OnlyFans because you want to get a message back from them so they know who you are and know that you exist, what you’re really looking for is validation and acceptance from someone that you care about.
And I hate to break it to you but forming a parasocial relationship with that celebrity where you know everything about their lives but they don’t really know anything about you is not gonna really give it to you.
If you want to get over that oneitis for your celebrity crush try diversifying the people that you follow online. The same goes for any crush that you have. If they’re the only person in your life that you’re focusing on, your intention is only going to be aimed at them.