Girls LOVE This Quality in a Guy (So I Used It To My Advantage…)

The Josh Speaks
5 min readJun 15, 2024

I want to tell you a story about a time that I put this one specific characteristic on display that made this girl instantly attracted to me and how I handled the situation.

The story itself is pretty crazy, but it’s something that you can replicate too, even if you never run into the same type of situation that I did.

One day, I was riding the train back home from work, reading my book, and eating a bag of Skittles. Nothing out of the ordinary, just a typical normal day until this happened.

Sitting across from me was this 10 out of 10, talking about one of the most attractive girls I had ever seen. I saw her enter the train, thought she was beautiful, but didn’t say anything. I mean, what chance did I have?

The train doors open up and in walks this incredibly intoxicated guy. I smelled the alcohol on him as he was entering the train. I look up and see him and just go back to reading my book and eating my Skittles until the person next to me gets up to leave the train, leaving the seat next to me…



The Josh Speaks

Josh is an inspirational speaker, YouTuber, and author of the self-help book “Embracing The Awkward” for teens and young adults.